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First Baptist Church

Aledo, Texas

Alma Hall was built on land donated by Mr. Middleton after his daughter, Alma, died.  It was located about two and one half miles southeast of Aledo, almost directly west of the Floyd Brown home, near the present entrance to that home.  It was used by the Methodist Church, as a school, and as a Masonic Hall as well as the meeting place for the Missionary Baptist Church of Christ which became the First Baptist Church of Aledo.

This is taken from the first record book.

Church Record of the Missionary Baptist Church of Christ at Alma Hall, Parker County, Texas, September 5th, 1879.

We, the undersigned persons living in the vicinity of the above hall, considering our religious destitution, having petitioned the Evangelist Elders, J.C. Powers and Wm. H. Rowland of the West Fork Association to meet with us on the above time and place, to consult with us and decide if deemed advisable to organize a Baptist Church.

Names of the Petitioners:

Elder Issac McMurry,
Mrs. Jane S. McMurry,
Deacon J.P. Cole
Mrs. A. B. Cole
Issac Nichols,
Mrs. M.J. Nichols
William Nichols
Mrs. J.E. Borah
L.D. Nichols
Mrs. A.A. Covert
W.D. Smith
Mrs. Kitty Johnston
Mrs. Margaret Kinser
Mrs. Sarah Medford

Members of the Church at Alma 1884:

Mrs. J.E. Borah
Mrs. A. B. Cole, Deaconess
J.P. Cole, Deacon
Mrs. M.E. Cole
Mrs. A.A. Covert
Etta E. Derrett
B.F. Glover
Mrs. Kittie Johnston
J. Johnson
W.F. Johnston
Mrs. Margaret Kinser
S.P. Kinser
Mrs. M.E. Malone, Deaconness
Mrs. S.C. Malone
T.W. Malone
Mrs. Sarah Medford
Isaac McMurry, Elder
Mrs. Jane S. McMurry
H.B. McRee
S.E. McRee
Isaac Nichols
LD. Nichols
Mrs. M.J. Nichols
Mrs. Sarah E. Nichols
William Nichols
Mrs. Ann Shorpshire
J.W. Shorpshire
W.D. Smith
W.T. Smith
Mary Welch
J.C. Welch

This page was added February 21, 2000

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