This is copied here with permission from The
Weatherford Democrat, July 23, 1956 issue.
Book Gives Number of Attorneys in County
in 1906
Grace and Jones in their history of Parker County write that the
following attorneys were practicing law in Weatherford in the year
R. J. McKenzie,
G. A. McCall,
J. M. Richards,
H. W. Kuteman,
D. M. Alexander,
H. L. Moseley,
F. O. McKinsey,
Howard Martin,
Preston Martin,
Bernard Martin,
T. A. Wythe,
H. S. Moran,
R. L. Stennis,
J. C. Wilson,
H. C. Shorpshire,
T. F. Temple,
R. B. Hood,
Sam Shadle,
John L. Squyres,
Jim L. McCall,
W. R. Vivrett, and
John Moyers.