Look Ups

This information was taken from the August 9, 1908 edition of the Weatherford Democrat. It was interesting that a business trip to Dallas was worthy of noting.  This makes interesting reading, but if you are looking for someone in particular, use the search function of your browser.  

McCullough is Promoted
Agent J.R. Brown of  the Pacific Express Co. received a letter yesterday morning from E.H. (Doc) McCullough, at Bonham, stating that he had been checked in as agent at that place Friday.  Doc made many friends during his stay here as billing clerk for the express company, all of whom regret to have him leave, but who are glad.....(unreadable)

B.R. Abernathy left yesterday for Dallas.

Public School Faculty
Prof. T.W.Stanley informs us that the faculty of the Weatherford Public Schools is now made up and there will be thirty-three teachers in the schools this year.  Prof. Stanley says everything points to a prosperous school year. There is quite a good deal of improvements being added to the school buildings, which will be.... (unable to read).

Miss Lula Buchanan goes to Dallas today to send a week.

Wm. Hemphill and daughter, Christell, leaves today for Corpus Christi.

Prof. Johnston Lectured
Prof. J. N. Johnston, county superintendent, returned Saturday from a several days trip to Austin and San Antonio.  He went to Austin to attend the State association of county superintendents. He was on the program for an address on "County Organization of public Schools" before the state association, the address being delivered in the hall of the State University.  
After the association adjourned he with a number of others visited San Antonio and were taken by citizens of that city in autos for a visit to the old missions, built by the Spanish monks more than a century ago.

Mrs. M.W. Johnson, accompanied by her daughters, Ruth and Lorena, of Melrose, New Mexico, came Friday for a visit to her sister, Mrs. N.H. Riddleman on Ball street.

Miss Sudie Bond leaves today for Fort Lavaca for a visit to relatives.  J.M. Boyd, Jr., who has been here from Houston on a visit to home folks, will return to that place today.

W. L. Seaberry and Joe Wilkerson of Poolville came in from Dallas yesterday and went out home.

Miss Brownie Means is home from a visit to relatives at Waco. Mrs. L. McNeil and family returned with her and will visit Mr. and Mrs. Means some time.

Miss Grace Switzer of Itasca, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W.W. McCrear, left yesterday for Fort Worth, where she ..(unreadable)......time.

Miss Alice Mize and Miss Parson of Poolville were in the city Saturday.

A.S. Lewis returned to Dallas after a short visit in the city.

R. B. Hood made a business trip to Dallas this week.

J.W. Carrison has accepted position with a firm in Augusta, GA., and will not return to this city.

Mrs. Glenn of Matador has been visiting her brothers, the Messrs. Braselton, for several days.  Mr. Glenn arrived yesterday and will also spend some time here.

Mrs. Dunn was in from Shady Grove yesterday shopping.

Mrs. A.D. Chandler, of the Harmony community, left yesterday for Lancaster, to visit her daughter.

Miss May Jones, of Greenville, Texas is visiting her aunt, Mrs. mary White, at Peaster.

Capt. E.G. Abbott, of the U.S. Army, came in yesterday to visit his brother, Henry Abbott, for a few days.

Mrs. N. A. Mulloy and Charley Rowlins left for Fort Worth yesterday, to visit friends and relatives for a few days.

Adam Ator and Prof. Rowland left yesterday for Lipan for a few days, in the interest of the Weatherford Training School.

Mrs. C.E. Hunter and children, who have been visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Walker for some time, left for her home at Dallas yesterday.

Deputy Sheriff J. M. Merrifield was called out to Peaster Friday evening and there arrested Jim Corbin, charged with the killing of a hog belonging to Mart Lane.  Corbin is a renter on Mart Lane's place and it seems that there had been some trouble between them prior to this.  Corbin was placed under bond.

Miss Belle Porter goes to Corpus Christi today, where she will spend some time.  

A friend of Miss Nina Babb received a notice of her marriage on.....(unreadable).

Mrs. Claud Kerby of Strawn is visiting her mother, Mrs. Cox.  Claud will join her here today and they go on to St. Louis, where he will select the fall dry goods for the Strawn Merchandise Co.

Alex Steel returned from Corpus Christi yesterday, where he has been for several days.

Rev. W. Y. Switzer, of Milford, Tex., left yesterday, after a short visit to relatives and friends.

Virgil James went over to Fort Worth to spend Sunday with home folks.

The Daisies met in a house party with Misses Grace and Ethel Burke Friday.  They all arrived about 9 o'clock and remained until after supper, going from there to the band concert.  The girls were enthusiastic about the delicious dinner and supper, and the delightful....(unreadable).

....(unreadable)...yesterday and went out to Poolville to visit Joe Davenport's family.

This page was uploaded on March 11, 2000

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