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Early Businesses in Parker County
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I have attempted to list businesses by the date they were founded in Parker County, however I have not discovered when some were first established. This is by no means a complete list of early businesses.  If you can add to this information, please contact me at the email address below.


City of Weatherford Organized


Frontier News was published in Weatherford from 1858 until the old press and all the materials at the office were destroyed during the Civil War.  R.A. Vanhorn with D.O. Norton and C.L. Jordan established the Frontier News. VanHorn and Jordan sold their interest in it to R.W. Duke of the firm of McDonald, Duke and Mosly, proprietors of the Lynchburg, VA., Daily Courier, and J.W. Hendrick, who edited and published it til March, 1859 when Jude Norton became the sole owner.  In 1860, Col Duke leased the plant and published the paper for about a year.


R.E. Bell Hardware Company founded in 1866 at the corner of York Ave and Spring St.  in Weatherford


$20 bill issued by Citizen's National Bank in Weatherford

Citizen's National Bank, organized 1868. The first three Presidents were J.R. Couts, G.A. Holland, and Fred Smith.


Weatherford Masonic Institute had it's cornerstone set on July 5th, 1869. It was the forerunner of Weatherford College. In 1869, it was a 2 story building. The first floor and northern half of the second floor was used for the school. The southern half of the second floor was used as the lodge room for Phoenix Lodge, F.A.M.


W.R. Turner's Livery and Feed Stable established January 1870.


Weatherford Marble Works was located at 109 to 113 Palo Pinto Street in Weatherford. Mr. Alex Rawlins opened this business in about 1874.  He carried a large stock of all kinds of granite, American and Italian Marble and did all kinds of cemetery work especially monumental work.


A.J. Stanger located at 203 N. Main St. founded by A.J. Stanger about 1878. This dry goods store was sold to John Sandefer and J.H. Endicott around 1906.  They changed the name to Sandefer, Endicott & Co. but continued to do business in the same location.


First National Bank of Weatherford, organized 1880. Sam H. Milliken was one of the founders.

Texas and Pacific Railroad pulled into Weatherford for the first time on June 4, 1880.  It was a gala event celebrated by the whole town.


John Leiper, Pianos founded about 1881. Mr. Leiper handled pianos, organs, small musical instruments and supplies, sheet music, sewing machines, Victor Talking Machines and Columbia Graphophones and Supplies.


Doughty General Store established in Springtown in 1882 by J.D. Doughty. He later had a dry goods business in Weatherford. He was the son of Pleasant Doughty, veteran of the United States, Mexican and Civil Wars.


Porter-Grant-Sawtelle Co. started about 1885, located on the south side of square in Weatherford. A general dry goods store selling men's and boys' clothing, ladies furnishing goods and millinery, men's furnishings, hats and caps, boots and shoes, etc


Alex Rawlins & Sons.  Alex Rawlins, pioneer monument manufacturer, came to Weatherford and Parker County in 1882 and after working for two years at various occupations, he was engaged in the marble works business with Chas. Robinson on south Main Street. After three years there, he disposed of his interest and established the Weatherford Marbal Works at 109 Palo Pinto Street on February 8, 1887.  Starting the business, Mr. Rawlins did all the work himself, sanding by hand, lettering the slabs with chisel and mallet, and also making contact with prospective customers.   When his sons, Frank and Bert Rawlins completed school, they continued with their father in the business, handling the office work and traveling as firm representatives and salesmen.  At this time the firm name was changed to Alex Rawlins and Sons.  Alex Rawlins was born in England, near Liverpool, in the town of Cheshire. He came to the United States with his parents when 7 years old. When grown he came into the southwest, working for a time in Eastland County before coming to Weatherford in 1882.  His death occurred in 1951, at the age of 86.


Racket Store started about 1890 and located on North Main St. in Weatherford. The Racket Store was a general dry goods store owned by Mr. Wm. Haas who came to Weatherford from Temple.  


Randall's Studio founded about 1891.  Assisted by Mrs. Randall, Mr. R.A. Randall operated this photography studio on North Main Street.

Weatherford Bottling Company located at 312 North Main Street was founded about 1891 and bottles all flavors of soda water, flavoring extracts, syrups, cider, mineral waters, wash bluing, etc. Mr. R. J. Norton became the proprietor about 1902.  Mr. Norton was the first white person to be born in Weatherford.


Harry Snoddy Drug Store located on the north side of the square in Weatherford founded about 1896.  Coming here from Gordon, TX Mr. Harry Snoddy carries a complete line of drugs and chemicals, stationery, perfumery, toilet articles, paints, oils and glass.


W. E. Richards located on the west side of Weatherford square founded about 1899. Sold bicycles, Cadillac automobiles, sporting goods, photographic supplies, phonographs, music and sewing machines.

C.E. Frazier, M.D., D.Ds - Dentist over the Postoffice in Weatherford


The New Candy Kitchen located on the west side of Weatherford Square was founded about 1900 by Mr. George Poppa Corcanges.  Mr. Corcanges makes all the candies and ice creams served on the premises.  He also handles cigars and tobaccos and serves all the popular drinks, having had a soda fountain on the premises.


Southwestern Bell Telephone Company established service in Weatherford in 1903 with a board equipped to hold 40 lines. In 1919, they consolidated with the Home Telephone Company providing Weatherford with 800 phones.


J. Fischer, a dry goods store opened July 1905 by Mr. J. Fischer on North Main Street. Mr. Fischer came to Weatherford from Shreveport, La where he also had a dry goods store.

Dutton's Jewelry Store located on North Main Street featured clocks. Mr. Dutton owned the store and clerks were J.R. Jones and Joe Barnett in 1905. Known to have existed in 1905 but establishment date is unknown to me.


Sandefer, Endicott & Co. bought the business of A.J. Stanger in the dry goods, shoes, clothing and millinery business in 1906. Owned by John Sandefer and J.H. Endicott.

S.R. Williams on north side of Weatherford Square was a popular  ice cream and soda fountain in 1906.

Hughey & Turner School, a college preparatory school, was known to have existed in 1906.  Mr. John P. Turner was the principal at that time. It was located in Weatherford.

Roberts Business College was known to have existed in Weatherford in 1906.


Aledo Feed Mill, Inc. started in 1929

Known to have existed but dates unknown to me

Kelly's Midget Drug

Parker County Roller Mill was a flour mill located on North Main Street, just north of the Texas and Pacific Railroad track, on the east side of the street.

Merritt Stable on Palo Pinto Street

Chinese Laundry on Palo Pinto Street next to Merritt Stable

M & M Furniture Store - 303 N. Main St. Weatherford, TX

Weatherford Public Market

County of Month Award January 2001 

County of Month April 2011 picture


Hall of Fame


10 year County Coordinator Award

© 1997 -2019 Lela Evans
Last Updated on January 2019


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