Look Ups
Pioneers of Parker County before 1860

This list was compiled from several sources. However since Parker County had around 400 registered voters at that time this list is not complete.  Even the registered voters would not include women and children who were living in Parker County at that time. If you have any information about these individuals or others who were in Parker County by 1860, please let me know at the email address below.

John Adams John Quincy Adams married Mary Ann Sheen in Parker Co. in 1856 per Cheryle Jones
L Adams .
Eliza Stockton Allen Moved to Parker County in 1854 and settled near Goshen with her husband, Reuben Allen, Sr. and 6 children
Harrison Allen

Son of Reuben and Eliza Stockton Allen, Harrison along with Andrew Culwell and Thomas Culwell served in the 10 th Texas Infantry.  Harrison was wounded several times during the war. 

John Perry Allen Son of Reuben and Eliza Stockton Allen, John Perry married Martha Culwell in Collin County , Sept 1853.
Reuben Allen

Pvt. Reuben Allen - Enlisted with Co. E, 10th Texas Infantry, at Ft. Hebert, Virginia Point, Galveston, Texas, on January 12, 1861. Pvt. Allen died of disease at Camp Texas, Arkansas, on August 7, 1862. Submitted by Scott McKay, Webmaster for Official 10th Texas Infantry Website

Son of Reuben and Eliza Stockton Allen, Reuben is buried in the Cemetery at Goshen , Parker County
Submitted by: Glen Zell

Reuben Allen, Sr. Moved to Parker County in 1854 and settled near Goshen with his family
More Information
Thomas Allen Son of Reuben and Eliza Stockton Allen, Thomas married Rebecca Elizabeth Hinds in Collin County , Sept. 1853.
Wm Allen Son of Reuben and Eliza Stockton Allen, William married Mary Ann Culwell in Collin County , March 1853. William served in the Frontier Regiment of Texas Volunteers during the Civil War. He served in Captain White's Company. William is buried in Goshen Cemetery in Parker County .
A.C. Amonds .
Geo N. Anderson George N. Anderson is listed in the Smythe, H. Historical Sketch of Parker County and Weatherford, Texas, St. Louis: C. Lavat Book and Job Printers, 1877 as an early Pioneer who has moved away.
Quinton N Anderson Moved to Parker County in 1856 but moved to Oregon by 1858. He is listed on the index of land surveys. There is also a a certificate stating that Quinton N. Anderson was elected Justice of Precinct Three, Parker County, in 1856. Information provided by Jim Cook.
Ambrose Angerly .
William Arthur W. Arthur, age 32, listed on the 1860 Census with females C. Arthur age 29 & C Arthur age 9, M Arthur, age 5, E Arthur, age 1/2 and males, J Arthur, age 6, and P Arthur, age 2. The adults were born in Alabama and children were born in Texas.
Charles Capron Baker Charles, his wife Mary and his family moved to Parker County, Texas about 1856. Their children were John Nelson Baker, Rebecca A.E. Baker, Mary T.S. Baker, Charles W.L. Baker, Gaston Commadore Baker, and Sarah Baker. Charles Baker died Nov. 20, 1877 and is buried in the Long Creek Cemetery, Parker County, Texas, as is his wife Mary, who died Oct. 10, 1892.
See Biography submitted by David Christy
Jos Baker .
Robert P. Baker An R.P. Baker was elected Sheriff in Aug. 1856. Mentioned in the life sketch of B.L. Richey (filed with the Tom Green Camp United Confederate Veterans, June 29, 1902) as being from Missouri and living with his family in Parker Co. September 19, 1856. R. P. Baker was a 3rd Lt. with Co. E. , in the 19th Texas Cavalry enlisting Jan./Feb 1862.
William Baker .
Sam R. Barber .
Joseph Barker .
Joshua Barker Elected Sheriff in early 1856. One of the first Aldermen in Weatherford when it was organized. Joshua Barker had one of the only two residences within one mile of the Weatherford Square in 1857. Mentioned in the life sketch of B.L. Richey (filed with the Tom Green Camp United Confederate Veterans, June 29, 1902) as being from Missouri and living with his family in Parker Co. September 19, 1856.
Martin Bates .
Henry Beadle .
J.J. Beeman In 1855 James Jackson BEEMAN, wife Elizabeth (BAKER) and family established a trading post on the Fort Worth - Fort Belknap Road about 5 miles northwest of present Weatherford and he was instrumental in the formation of Parker County. Emily Elvira BEEMAN, James' daughter by a previous wife, married William Thatcher BAKER, brother of Elizabeth, in Parker County in 1856. Several children were born to each family in Parker County.

In 1856 the first session of the district court in Parker County was held under an oak tree at BEEMAN's trading post - the tree is featured in the "Famous Trees of Texas." Judge Nathaniel G Burford of Dallas presided.

James Jackson BEEMAN moved to Weatherford in 1858, opened a cabinet shop, and became the postmaster.
Submitted by: M. C. Toyer 
See Biography

Thomas Billingsley .
C. Blair .
Wesley Blanton .
Luke Blevin .
Richard Bleven .
Benjamin Boston .
John Brashears .
Matthew Brashears .
W.C. Brashear .
M.J. Brittain Milton James Brittain, b. July 8, 1820 in Buncombe County, NC, d. June 2, 1885 in Bosque County, buried in Lebonan cemetery in Hill County just across the Brazos River from Bosque County. He came to Texas in 1852, first to Wolf City, Hunt County with three brothers. He lived for awhile in Fall County and Hill County before going to Parker County. His means of earning a living in Parker County are unknown (by me). After living in Parker County, he purchased a large farm at Prairie Point, Wise County about early 1860.
Submitted by: BrittYoung@valornet.com .
See biography
George J. Brock .
Geo W. Brock .
A.B. Brown Albert Berry Brown son of Susan Elizabeth Upton and (Albert Burleson ) Burrell Brown . He was born January 19, 1854 Parker County , Texas . He died December 05, 1891 in Santa Anna , Texas. Biography
Burrill Brown Burrell received a Parker County Land Grant, Abstact # 80 and moved to Parker County around 1853. Biography  His death is chronicled in the Stockman Family Newsletter.
John Brown In Dec. 1859, John Brown was surrounded by five Indians and killed and scalped about 11 miles from Weatherford. Mrs. John Brown, living on Grindstone Creek escaped from Indians in the Summer of 1861 with her twin babies.
T.C. Brown .
Elias Burriss

Elias was the son of Thomas Burris & Margaret Tincher, both died in Cass CO. MO. He was born in Kentucky. He was married twice.Once to Malinda Burriss Cass CO. MO. Malinda was a daughter of David Burriss. Elias Burriss second wife was Martha J Fann born TN. As far as I know Elias died Parker CO. TX. around 1855-57. Children were Martha , Nancy, Martin (Born Cass CO. MO.) James Hamilton Burris born 1855 Parker CO. TX. - - Submitted by George Lee McVae

Israel Burriss .
Jas Burriss .
Thomas Burriss Brother of Elias and William Burriss
Tom Burriss .
William Burriss Brother of Elias and Thomas Burriss
Philip Burrough .
Jackson Burrows .
Wm Burrows Pvt. William H. Burrow - Enlisted with Co. E, 10th Texas Infantry, at Camp Brazos, near Millican, Brazos County, Texas on April 10, 1862. Pvt. Burrow was discharged for disability on June 10, 1862. Submitted by Scott McKay, Webmaster for Official 10th Texas Infantry Website
Rev N.T. Byers Organized the first Baptist Church in Parker Co. at home of Anderson Green, 6 miles NE of Weatherford in July 1855. The Declaration of Texas Independence was written and signed in Rev. Byers blacksmith shop at Washington-on-the-Brazos on March 2, 1836. Biography
Charles Cabiness .
Hesekiah Caldwell .
Tom Caldwell .
Elisha Cantwell .
Dr. H.G. Cantwell .
Calvin Carr .
William Carr .
Joseph Carroll May be the same Joseph Carroll listed on the 1850 Census in Navarro County, TX
Wm Cazort .
Laura Lavina Chamberlain

Laura Lavina Chamberlain always claimed she was born in Parker County on 7 Nov 1856 which is on her Texas death certificate. No other documentation has been found.
Laura told frightening stories, while living in Caldwell County, to her granddaughters Exie and Mayme Mitchell of Indian raids in Parker County where her family lived and they had to put blankets over the windows at night to hide from the marauding Indians. Laura would have been under 3 years old at the time there.

Laura had married a cowboy Thomas G. Jackson who rode with Mr. Goodnight twice on the huge cattle drives to Abilene, KS.
Submitted by: John
See Biography

Willis Chamberlain According to Laura Chamberlain's oral history to her granddaughters, her father Willis Chamberlin, was killed by the Indians in Parker County around EST 1857. Our intense family researches and queries, after Laura's death, have been unable to verify the Willis Chamberlin death date, or where his body is buried (if it was), or exactly where he was killed, or if he was a civilian or a military man at the time.
Submitted by: John
See Biography
Jno C. Chapman .
E.N.Clement .
John Clifton .
Loving Clifton .
Rosewell Clifton .
Jeremiah Cockburn .
Drew Coen .
John F. Coffee .
Richard Coffee Richard Coffey moved his family to Parker County, Texas, in 1855. While residing there he served in the Texas Rangers and assisted Capt. Lawrence Sullivan Ross in the rescue of Cynthia Ann Parker on December 18, 1860   Biography
William Coffee .
J.P. Cole

President of The Parker County Agricultural and Mechanical Association organized during the summer of 1861

Possibly the John P. Cole named executor and brother of J.M. Cole.

James Cook .
Wilson Copeland .
Eli Cox .
Isom Cranfield .
J.Criswell .
E.H. Crompton .
Wm Cuthbert .
Moses Damron .
I.P.Davis .
Wm Dennison .
Solomon Deroche .
Wm Dixon Pvt. William B. Dixon - Age 19 upon enlistment with Co. E, 10th Texas Infantry, at Virginia Point, Galveston, Texas, on December 2, 1861; he had been recruited at Parker County, Texas, on October 12th.   Pvt. Dixon was captured at Arkansas Post on January 11, 1863; arriving at Camp Douglas Prison near Chicago, Illinois, on January 29th. Pvt. Dixon died of "Consumption" in Camp Douglas Prison on April 21, 1863; he had been too ill to be paroled with the command, when they left on April 1st. Submitted by Scott McKay, Webmaster for Official 10th Texas Infantry Website
George Lee Dobbs George Dobbs and his family moved to Parker County, Texas in September, 1858, when George was 33. He made a crop on uncle Sam Woody's farm in the year 1859. He bought the homestead in 1859. In 1864, George L. Dobbs served for a short time as a Pvt. under Capt. Joseph Ward; Company C, Parker County, 1st Frontier District. Maj. Wm. Quayle, Commander, Texas State Troops. A more complete biography can be seen at: George Lee Dobbs   Information provided by Tamera Stevens
L.R. Dockley .
Allison Dotson .
Thomas Draper .
Ed Dubsey .
Harrison Dukes .
Jackson Dukes .
Jason Dukes .
Littleton Dukes .
Washington Dunken .
Thos Durrett .
A.J. Dyke .
Dave Eddleman .
Rev Reuben A. Eddleman There was a R.A. Eddleman elected county commissioner in the election of 1860.
J.C. Eddleman .
T.D. Ellis .
Jesse Ellison .
M.S. Emberlin MS Emberlin was a Jewish Rabbi.
Mrs. Ensey
Sarah Asbury Duncan Ensey, married to William Ensey. Mother of 3 sons who joined Co. E, 10th Texas Infantry.  Arrived in Walnut Creek, Texas (now Parker County) after 1854
Ezekiel L.A. Ensey He was born March 19, 1838 in Coffee County, Tennessee. His family moved to Kentucky on December 24, 1851. They left Kentucky on May 12, 1852 and arrived in Texas July 3, 1853 settling in Grayson County, Texas. His father, William Ensey, died July 27, 1854. His mother, Sarah Asbury Duncan Ensey then moved the family (13 children) to Collin County Texas, October 24, 1854. They then moved to Walnut Creek, Texas (now Parker County).

On August 15, 1861 in Texas (probably Parker County). Ezekiel married Mary Ann Tadlock. Sometime between 1863 and 1880 he moved his family to Wise County Texas. All of their children (13) were born in either Springtown or Paradise Texas. He and his wife and some of their children moved to Oklahoma in 1911.   By 1924 they had all moved to Foss, Washita County, Oklahoma where Ezekiel L. A. Ensey died on January 18, 1924 at the age of 86."  See also: Biography -Submitted by Scott McKay, Webmaster for Official 10th Texas Infantry Website

Rodom A. Ensey He was born June 20, 1841 in Coffee County Tennessee. His parents were William Ensey and Sarah Asbury Duncan Ensey. Age 20 upon enlistment with Co. E, 10th Texas Infantry, at Houston, Harris County, Texas, on October 23, 1861. Pvt. Ensey was detailed as "Hospital Nurse" on August 29, 1862; then was returned to duty on September 28th.  Rodom married P. E. Briscoe in 1879. He died on October 17, 1907. See also: Biography - Submitted by Scott McKay, Webmaster for Official 10th Texas Infantry Website
William H. Ensey He was born in 1840 in Coffee County Tennessee. His parents were William Ensey and Sarah Asbury Duncan Ensey.  Rodom married P. E. Briscoe in 1879. William married M. C. Caldwell in 1866. Age 22 upon enlistment with Co. E, 10th Texas Infantry, at Houston, Harris County,Texas, on October 23, 1863; he had been recruited at Parker County, Texas, on October 12th.  The date of his death is not known. See also: Biography  Submitted by Scott McKay, Webmaster for Official 10th Texas Infantry Website
Charles Erwin .
George Featherkile .
Ezekiel Fleming .
Jackson Flint .
W.B. Fondren William B. Fondren was elected County Commmissioner in early 1856; then reelected in the regular election in Aug. 1856.
John Fox .
Riley Fox .
Leftwitch Francis .
Rev L.J. Francis .
Jesse Franklin .
J. Frazier .
Alcie Sid (Bid) Froman Alcie Sid (Bid) Froman known as "Bid Froman" was born on the 21st of November 1849 in the state of Kentucky. His father's name is John M. Froman and his mother's name is unknown at this time. His father, John M. Froman, signed the petition to create Parker County in 1855.   Married to Casandra (Cassie) Yeary. Bid passed away the 27th of November 1891, killed in gun fight. Both Bid and Cassie are interred at the Willow Springs cemetery in Parker County, east of Weatherford, Texas. For more information, see the Erwin and Geupel Family Album
John M. Froman J. M. Froman signed the petition to create Parker County in 1855, was on the 1856 Tax Roll, a deed dated 17 May 1858 (refiled 13 Feb. 1882) has the following, "11 Day Dec. 1857 James Tinsley, Administrator of Estate of J. M. Froman, deceased, recovered a judgement......" From "Parker County Land Abstracts" Pre-emption records A, C, D, Denton Land District. John M. Froman had 320 acres survey according to the Index, Book A. p.79, page 79 has not survived. Years of researching Parker County pioneers has caused me to believe that John M. Froman was the father of A.S. Bid Froman. This information was given to Randall Erwin by Evlyn Broumley.
Calvin Gage .
Thos Gallaher .
Robert George .
A.B. Gilbert .
J.W. Gilbert .
Thos Gilbert .
Wm Gilbert ..
Chas Gildon .
Asa Gilmore .
Nathan Gilpin .
James Gilpin .
Green Givens .
James Givens .
Rev. J.W. Godfrey .
Isaac Gorman .
Arthur Graham .
John Wesley Graham Moved near Springtown in 1857 where he farmed. He and his wife, Nancy Ann Doak, had 10 children. Joseph M born 1853, Margaret E born 1856, Isabell A born 1859 were born before 1860 and are presumed to have been with their parents in Parker County. Buried in Springtown Cemetery.
Nancy Ann Doak Graham Married to John Wesley Graham, moved to Parker County in 1857. Buried in Springtown Cemetery.
Alfred Green .
Anderson Green The first Baptist Church in Parker County organized in Anderson Green's home in July 1855. He was elected one of the deacons.
W.M.Green William Green was elected district clerk in election of August, 1856
John Grisham .
Geo W. Guest .
Batch Gutherie .
J.J. Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Hamilton were members of the First Christian Church which worshiped at the Courthouse in Weatherford.
Rev Jno Hamilton Pastor of the First Christian Church which worshiped at the Courthouse in Weatherford
James Hand .
David Harm .
Elijah Harrison .
Cyrus Hayes .
Howard Hayes .
William B. Hays William B. Hays was elected county commissioner in early 1856 and served until the regular election in Aug. 1856.  W.B. Hayes was elected county commissioner in Aug. 1858. He was one of the guests at the first dinner party held in Parker Co. on June 24, 1856.
John Hefly .
Wood Henry .
J.H. Hewitt .
G. Higgins Pvt. Alexander G. Higgins - Enlisted with Co. E, 10th Texas Infantry, at Camp Brazos, near Millican, Brazos County, Texas, on April 10, 1862.   Pvt. Higgins was captured at Arkansas Post, Arkansas, on January 11, 1863. arriving at Camp Douglas Prison near Chicago, Illinois, on January 29th. Pvt Higgins was paroled there for exchange on April 1, 1863, then was exchanged at City Point, Virginia, on April 7th. Pvt. Higgins was admitted sick to the C.S.A. Hospital, Petersburg, Virginia, on April 15, 1863; he was issued "Accoutrements and Clothing" for duty at said hospital on July 21, 1863.   Pvt. Higgins was sent sick to a hospital in Georgia, on October 28, 1863; he died of disease at that unknown hospital on November 1, 1863. Submitted by Scott McKay, Webmaster for Official 10th Texas Infantry Website
Allen Hill .
Andrew Hill .
Jackson Hill .
John Hill Age 22 upon enlistment with Co. E, 10th Texas Infantry, at Houston, Harris County, Texas, on October 23, 1861; he had been recruited at Parker County, Texas, on October 12th. Pvt. Hill was detailed as "Wagoner" on April 18, 1862.

Pvt. Hill was captured at Arkansas Post, Arkansas, on January 11, 1863; arriving at Camp Douglas Prison near Chicago, Illinois, on January 29th. Pvt. Hill was paroled there for exchange on April 1, 1863, then was exchanged at City Point, Virginia, on April 7th. He was detailed on extra duty as "Teamster" at Tyner's Station, Tennessee, by order of Gen. Churchill on August 1, 1863; he returned to duty on April 18, 1864.   Pvt. Hill surrendered with Co. E, Granbury's Consolidated Texas Brigade, near Greensboro, North Carolina, on April 28, 1865. Submitted by Scott McKay, Webmaster for Official 10th Texas Infantry Website

Joshua Hill .
Thomas Hill .
Solomon Hines .
Joshua Holman .
Newman Holder .
Hartford Howard .
James Hudson Elected Sheriff in 1860
John Hudson .
John Hunter .
Joe Hunter .
Dr. Milton L Ikard Elected State Representative in the election of 1876
J.W. Johnson .
Jehu M. Jones .
Stephen Jones Member of the supervisory or vigilance committee appointed by the Confederate commandant of the district.
Erasmus Jones .
Andrew Jones .
Joseph Kaufman .
James Kidwell Elected County Commissioner in election of August 1856
Levi Kidwell Levi Kidwell's place was considered for the county seat in April 1856 when the majority voted for Weatherford.
W.B. Kidwell .
Thomas Lack .
C. Landmore .
Isaac Lane .
William Layne .
Isaac Ledbetter .
Dow Lee .
George Lee .
John Lee .
M. Lee .
Sylvester Lee .
John Leonard .
Samuel Leonard, Jr. .
Samuel Leonard, Sr. .
George W. Light .
John C. Light .
Rev M.C. Light .
William Light .
Giles Littlefield .
M.Y. Littlefield .
R. W. Littlefield .
Sam Littlefield .
Wm Littlefield .
Wilson Littlefield .
Joseph Littleton .
James Long .
Geo B. Loving  
J.B. Loving  
James C. Loving  
Calvin Lynch C. Lynch, age 37, born S Carolina, is listed on the 1860 Parker Census with female, M Lynch age 34 and 3 children.
Bartholomew Majors  
Seton Majors  
Elam Martin .
Thomas Martin .
John Matlock Parker County's first duly elected judge in 1856 per Michael E. Brundage
James Maybury .
David Maybury .
James Mayes .
William Mays .
Larkin McCarty .
Rev. P. McDonald .
Thomas McGrew .
Rev McKnight .
Isaac Meek .
J.C. Meek .
Ebenezer Miller .
Fuller Millsap The town of Millsap in Palo Pinto was named after Fuller Millsap. Listed on the 1860 Palo Pinto Census as age 43 Stockraiser, with wife, Elizabeth, age 27, females, Sarah, age 12, Donna, age 8,Emily age 4, Seletha, age 3/12 and male, Francis, age 6 and John age 2.
John R. Mitchell .
John Montgomery John Montgomery moved his wife and 7 children from Missouri to Parker County, Texas about 1854 where he added 5 more children. He had a farm near Springtown and the Wise County line. He was killed by Indians on November 3, 1866.
Account of his death
Information provided by: George M. Montgomery
Stephen Mooney .
Thomas Moore .
William Moore .
Idle Morgan .
R. Morris .
John Murphy .
Lewellyn Murphy .
John Neill .
______Newman .
S.P. Newsom .
Nathan Nowland .
John Parker .
J.T. Paschall Pvt. John J. Paschal - Age 19 upon enlistment with Co. E, 10th Texas Infantry, at Houston, Harris County, Texas on October 23, 1861; he had been recruited at Parker County, Texas, on October 12th.

Pvt. Paschal was captured at Arkansas Post, Arkansas, on January 11, 1863; arriving at Camp Douglas Prison near Chicago, Illinois, on January 29th. Pvt. Paschal was paroled there for exchange on April 1, 1863, then was exchanged at City Point, Virginia, on April 7th. - Submitted by Scott McKay, Webmaster for Official 10th Texas Infantry Website

Green Pennington .
Mrs. M.E. Pickard nee Dixon born 6 Aug 1835 in Maury Co., TN moved to Texas in Oct. 1856, then to Parker Co., TX Sept 1857, died by 1892. (Minute Book of the Pioneer Association of Parker County, TX located at the Weatherford Library- River Counties Quarterly Vol 8, No. 2)
Thomas Pickard J. Born 21 Dec.1838 in Maury Co., TN. moved to Texas Oct. 1856, then to Parker County Sept 1857. Lived at Parsons. (Minute Book of the Pioneer Association of Parker County, TX located at the Weatherford Library- River Counties Quarterly Vol 8, No. 2)
Wm. S. Pickard Born 9 Dec 1834 in Maury Co., TN - moved to Texas Oct. 1856 then to Parker County Sept 1857. Died 15 June 1898.(Minute Book of the Pioneer Association of Parker County, TX located at the Weatherford Library- River Counties Quarterly Vol 8, No. 2)
John B. Pingston .
Fred Pointer .
G. Pointer .
C.C. Porter .
James Porter James Henry Porter 1/2/1832 McMinn co Tn,     Son of Robert Scott Porter and Nancy Ann Pearce.
John F. Porter .
Robert Scott Porter RS (Robert Scott ) Porter born 12/15/1795 in Lincoln Co NC. Died 2/21/1877 in Parker Co. Buried in Porter Cem. Married 5/17/1823 in McMinn Co Tn to Nancy Ann Pearce. Nancy Ann Pearce was born on 11/15/1806 Tn. She died 8/29/1901 Parker Co buried Porter Cem. She was the daughter of James Pearce and Margaret.. They had 10 children including William Benton Porter and James Henry Porter
William B. Porter William Benton Porter 1834;     Son of Robert Scott Porter and Nancy Ann Pearce
Angie Price .
John H. Prince .
James Prindle .
Turner Proffit .
G. Rash .
Joseph Raws .
Care Remingtron .
J. G. Reynolds JOHN GILES (J.G.) REYNOLDS was born in 1826, in Dickson Co, TN, to William Thomas and Martha (Greene) Reynolds. He migrated to Texas in 1847, settling in Upshur County. His father and siblings came to Texas the next year. In 1854, J.G. moved to Parker County, being the first settler around Azle. His father came with him. J.G. married Frances E. Hand in 1849; Martha E. Hart (1867), Mary C. Epperson (1890). He died in 1906. [Submitted by: Vicki Reynolds; excerpts from "The History of Texas", the Lewis Pub. Co., Chicago 1895, p276-278].
James Reynolds .
W.T. Reynolds WILLIAM THOMAS (W.T.) REYNOLDS was born in 1796 in Wake Co, NC. He grew up on his father, John's, plantation near Nashville where he married Martha Greene in 1822. They had 17 children. The Reynolds family moved to Upshur Co, Tx in 1848 and later to Parker County in 1855. He was a saddler and a farmer. He died in 1863 and his wife died in 1865. [Submitted by Vicki Reynolds; excerpts from "History of Parker County", pub. by PCHC, 1980, p516-517. Family story written by Jeanette Wilson Reynolds.]
Clinton B. Rider .
William R. Rider .
Thomas Riley Thomas Riley served as a constable in Hunt County in the early 1850s but was living in Parker County by 1860. See also: Biography  Submitted by Sharon Tingley
Ira Robbins .
D.C. Rose .
Frank Sanches .
John See .
Joseph Sea .
Michael See .
Tip See .
______Sewell .
M. Sheen .
L.T. Shepherd .
Silas Shirley .
W.V.D. Shirley .
Zebedee P. Shirley .
Thos Short .
D.H. Sisk Daniel Harrison Sisk, was born in 1813 in Hopkins Co. KY to Robert "Robin" Barney and Mourning Sisk. Daniel mar. Louisa Reynolds Dec. 29, 1831, in Hopkins Co., KY. Daniel had 14 siblings that pretty much stayed in Hopkins Co. Some of Daniel's older children remained in Hopkins Co. when he left for Parker Co. TX. Daniel and family are in the 1850 Hopkins Co. KY census on pg. 55 Dist. 1 HH 92.
A.B. Smith .
John Snyder .
Frank Sowell .
James Sprole .
John Spruell .
John Squires .
David Stimson .
David Street .
James Sullivan Pvt. J. J. Sullivan - Died in General Hospital, Macon, Mississippi, on June, 11, 1862. His effects were $42.00. That was the only available military record on him. - Submitted by Scott McKay, Webmaster for Official 10th Texas Infantry Website
Rev Pleasant Tackett .
Smith Tatum .
Calvin Tharp .
William Tharp .
J.B. Thomas .
Joseph Thomas .
Alexander Thompson .
Robert Thompson .
Thomas Thompson .
Jos Thornburg .
Joseph Thornburg .
Rev. R.S. Tierce Rev. R. S. Tierce Jr. came to Parker County in 1857 in a wagon train along with the Brock, Higgins, Cox and the Tierce Families. His father Richard South Tierce died enroute from Ringold Ga. and according to family letters was buried in an unmarked grave along the way, somewhere between Shreveport and Dallas. He served in the War Between the States, Died in 1877 and is buried in the Cox Cemetery between Brock and Millsap. I think he was Pastor at what is now Soda Springs church, He was ordained somewhere near The Tin Top community in 1869. submitted by Tom Tierce
James Tinsley .
William Trimble .
William Tubbs .
Aaron Tucker .
Joseph Tucker .
Moses Tucker .
Mrs. Tudor .
Mrs. F.A. Turner nee Biffle born 15 Aug 1841 in Maury Co., TN moved to Texas in 1849, then to Parker Co. 15 March 1859, was living in Weatherford in 1892.
Jefferson Turner .
Rev John Turner .
R.L. Turner .
N. Underwood Norman Underwood was born in New York on 1 August 1825 and died 5 January 1892. Norman came to Parker County in 1952 according to TRAILS WEST published by The Parker County Genealogical Society. He was on the tax list at that time. Norman and his wife, Elizabeth Elkins had 10 children, including Mary Ellen Underwood. Norman's older brother, Edmund (Edward), was a Texas Ranger who bought and sold land in Fannin County, TX.
Giles Upton .
J.M. Upton .
Monroe Upton .
Thomas Upton .
William Upton .
Daniel Wagner .
Felty Wampler Felty Wampler was Valentine Wampler the father of Martin and Rhoderic.
Martin Wampler See Biography  - Submitted by Emma Cronin
Rhoderic Wampler .
Young Warren .
. .
William Welch .
David White .
Thomas White .
William Wilson .
Richard Wimberg .
Benjamin Winchester .
Robert Wright .
Charles Walker .
Dock Walker .
Joseph Walker .
Milton Walker .
Henry Ward .
Nathan Watson .
Nathaniel Wilson

Nathaniel R. Wilson moved from Houston, Texas to Weatherford, Texas in December of 1857. (Source: personal records of N.R. Wilson). According to "Historical Sketch of Parker County and Weatherford, Texas," by H. Smythe, published 1877, on page 79 it states "Towards the close of the same year [1857].
See Biography  - Submitted by Sara Harper, g-g-granddaughter of N.R. Wilson.

William Wilson .
Brice Woody

Brice born 11 Feb 1832 in Roane Co., TN. Married October, 1855 in Parker County, TX to Missouri A Miller b 22 Feb 1839 and died 24 May 1907. Brice died 6 Sept 1922 and is buried in Boonsville. Theirs was the first marriage in Parker County. Brice served in Capt. Thompson's company Oct 1859- May 1860, TX Ranger, Indian War. They had 10 children. Submitted by Julie Perkins Murphy.

John Woody John Woody born 22 Feb 1835 in Roane County, Tn. Married 26 March 1861 to Leah Morris b 27 Oct. 1844, died Sept. 1928. John died 20 Sept 1921 and is buried on the family farm in Veal Station on Ash Creek. John was the sheriff of Parker County 13 March - 25 June 1866. He served in the TX Rangers. Submitted by Julie Perkins Murphy.

Samuel & Hannah Woody In the fall of 1853 Samual (Jr) Woody, James Mann and Benjamin Crews explored up the West Fork of the Trinity River into what is now Wise Co. At the same time Samuel (Sr) Woody and others of the party explored into what is now Parker Co. Next spring James Mann went with Samual (Sr) Woody to Deep Creek, Wise Co. and helped him build his cabin which in 1977 was still standing and still owned by a Woody decendent, Marion Acola. Samuel Woody and wife Hannah Woody were members of the Cave Creek Baptist Church in TN.and were dismissed in 1842 and back in standing in 1848.

William Woody William Woody born 15 Dec. 1824 in Roane Co., TN. Married Elizabeth Farmer 15 Jan 1846 in Roane Co. Elizabeth was born 13 Sept 1822 and died 10 Feb 1879. Wm died 10 Sept 1915. They are both buried at Veal Station Cemetery. Wm Woody donated the land for this cemetery. Wm was the first settler in Veal Station, about 1854. He served in Capt. Jos. Wards Co. C, 1st Frontier Dist, TX State Troops, Parker Co., TX. Enlisted 1 July 1864 at age of 40.
Submitted by Julie Perkins Murphy.

Casandra (Cassie) Yeary Casandra (Cassie) Yeary Froman was born on the 12th of November 1850. Cassie is the daughter of David and Mahala Yeary. Married to Alcie Sid (Bid) Froman who owned a land grant issued to his father John Froman in Parker Co. in 1860. Cassie passed away the 14th of February 1938 from complications due to broncheal pneumonia. Both Bid and Cassie are interred at the Willow Springs cemetery in Parker County, east of Weatherford, Texas.
Valentine Yocum .

This list was compiled from several sources including:

Grace, Jno. S. And R.B. Jones. A New History of Paker County, Weatherford Democrat, 1906; reprint ed, Taylor Publishing Company, 1987.

Marshall, Doyle. A Cry Unheard, The Story of Indian Attacks In And Around Parker County, Texas, Annetta Valley Farm Press, 1990.

Smythe, H. Historical Sketch of Parker County and Weatherford, Texas, St. Louis: C. Lavat Book and Job Printers, 1877; reprint ed., Waco, TX.: W.M.Morrison, 1973.

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Last Updated on January 2019


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