Look Ups

This is copied here with permission from The Weatherford Democrat, July 20, 1950 issue.


Twentieth Century Club Celebrates

Fiftieth Year of Organization

"In 1900, Mrs. H. L. Moseley, realizing the mental and moral stimulus to be derived from a good literary club, invited a number of women to meet in the home of Mrs. A.N. Grant for the purpose of discussing plans for such an organization," Mrs. W.T. Ivy wrote in a history of the Twentieth Century Club.

"Mrs. W.H. Eddleman was elected temoprary chairman and conittees were appointed to draw up a constitution and by-laws. February 8, 1900, the XXth Century Club, of 20 members was duly organized with Mrs. Mosely as the first president."

Charter members of the organization were Mmes. Moseley, Grant, Eddleman, Ivy, C.C. Barhold, Oscar Barthold, R.E. Bell, R.F. Bell, B.G. Bidwell, Mattie Blair, Wylie Blair, Henry Brevard, Will Brevard, J.N. Chandler, J.T. Cotten, Dora Eddleman, J.C. Finnie. Mmes. J.A. Fain, Alfred Irby, R.S. Lowe, Ed Lysaght, George M. McCall, Boyd Porter, E.P. Sawtell, W.D. Taylor, J.O. Tucker, G.S. White and Misses Lula Hines and Lena Taylor

The Club's first year book was "The year following", she continues, "We established a Rest Room where our sisters from the country could find comfort and relief from the tiresome exactions of a day's shopping and enjoy themselves in the elevating exercise of reading the literature supplied by us. In this enterprise we invested $200. For several years, the Rest Room was maintained by the generosity of our business men, though still under the supervision and management of our club."

Up until 1902, the Club had met in the Foresters reading room, but the building burned and the ladies met in the Knights of Pythias Hall until the Foresters building was reconstructed.

"In order to provide for the various tastes and need of our members and with the hope of securing additional ones, we added two other departments in 1903, one for those who wished to study 'Current Literature' and another for the study of 'Music and Art," Mrs. Ivy's article continues.

Printed in 1901, Mrs. Ivy says, "Included in the early benelovent projects of the Club were a supper given for the benefit of the Cumberland Presbyterian Seminary and donations to the Knights of Pythias Widows' and Orphans' Home, to the Citizen's Band and to the firemen, in addition to $75 given for the furnishing of a reading room in the new Forester building.

Another of the early projects of the Twentieth Century Club was their fight to have passed an ordinance forbidding the free grazing of cattle on public thoroughfares. Until the time the ladies began their fight, cows ran loose and one "pursued one of our good ladies until she fell flat upon her face from exhaustion."

Minutes of the organization of the Music and Art Depoartment of the club have been preserved and read: "The Music and Art Department of the XXth Century Club was organized Thursday afternoon, March 12, 1903, at the home of Mrs. W.P. Anderson, Mrs. G. S. White acting as chairman. The following officers were elected: Mrs. W.P. Anderson, chairman, Mrs. R.S. Lowe, vice chairman, Miss Myra Donovan, recording secretary. The chairman appointed Mrs. Walter Tucker and Miss Dollye Starr to serve on the art committee and Miss Gertrude Burnes and Mrs. Jim L. McCall on the music committee.

"There being no program arranged, the Department adjouned to meet the floooling Wednesday at Mrs. Grant's."

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