Look Ups

This is copied here with permission from The Weatherford Democrat, July 23, 1956 issue.

Garden Study Club Carries on
Traditions of Beautiful Homes

by Mrs. Tom Redmon

Garden Study Club Presidents - Mrs. Willard Thomas and Mrs. Forrest Maulsby.In order to carry on the tradition of well-managed homes and beautiful surroundings of their city, a group of enterprising young matrons sought help in organizing a Garden Club in which they could learn, "from scratch," the basic rules and principles of good landscaping, horticulture, flower arrangement and kindred arts.  So on May 8, 1949, the following group met for discussion in the home of Mrs. E. B. Cartwright: Betty Belcher, Frankie Carlisle, Barney Etter, Virginia Grafft, Virginia Ann Littleton, Jeanne McCarty and Billy-Bob Swofford.  They were later to be known as Charter Members of the Garden Study club of Weatherford which was founded on that date by mrs. E. B. Cartwright under the sponsorship of the Weatherford Garden Club.  It was federated with Texas Garden, Inc. the same year. The pioneering officers were: President, Jeanne McCarty, First Vice-President, Frankie Carlisle; Secretary and treasurer, Virginia Grafft; and Corresponding Secretary, Mary Jo Lee.

Charter Member, Virginia Ann Littleton, recalls that the refreshments too at that first meeting were quite noteworthy for those present partook of pound cake fresh from the freezer, and it was the first such that she, and probably others, had ever tasted.

Since that first meeting, always of primary importance to the members has been the original purpose which is to stimulate and encourage interest in gardening, the study of landscaping and improvement of home grounds, the study and protection of native flora and birds, and the preservation of points of natural beauty.

Also since origin, the Club has complied with the ruling of the Texas Garden Clubs, Inc. that it have at least one authoritative speaker on a garden subject each year.  Even so, until the year 1952-1953, programs consisted mainly of studies made by the individual members on chosen garden topics.  In this way, some background was gained for further study.

Mrs. Morris Hare became Program Chairman for 1952-1953 and ushered in an entire year of programs featuring authorative speakers.  Mrs. Bonner Darby spoke on "Fall Planting for Spring Bouquets" and Mrs. Cortez Wiley of Aledo presented a program on "Color in Flower Arrangements." Two fort Worth guests included Mrs. Jesse Martin with a feature on "Design in Dried Arrangements" and D.D. Obert, City Forrester, who spoke on "Landscaping Small Home Grounds."  Other features of the year's program included "Slides and Talk on Wild Flowers" by Mrs. Robert Bragg, "Gift Wrappings on Parade" by Miss Ruby Jones and a book review by the noted book reviewer, Mrs. Jack Martin.

During 1953-1954, under the program chairmanship of Carlene Tinsley, the adventuresome spirit was continued and the following programs were most enjoyably constructive: "The Art of Table Settings," Mrs. A. Grant Fewsmith, Fort worth, "Points on Grooming and Exhibiting Horticulture," Mrs. Jess Martin, Fort Worth: "Drying - Cutting - Skeletonizing," Mrs. Reese L. Hayes, Olney, Texas; "Pre-Holiday Ideas," Sally Sanson, fort Worth; "Fundamentals of Flower Arrangements," Mrs. F. Verne Hanby, Fort Worth; "Garden Therapy," Mrs. Roy DeFee, Fort Worth; "Pre-Flower Show Arrangement Analysis," Mrs. Cortez Wiley, Aledo; and a Book Review, Mrs. Jack Martin, Weatherford.

For the 1954-1955 season, Program Chairman, Merel Hopkins arranged for the following speakers which included two members of the club; Lucille Blackledge, Mrs. Helen Wright, Professor of Art at North Texas State Teachers College, Denton, Mrs. E. B. Cartwright, Mrs. Edna Boone, Mrs. James Doss, Tom Redmon and Mrs. Cortez Wiley, Aledo. Their topics were: "Flower Paintings," "Tips on constructing Outdoor Christmas Decorations," "Landscaping Your Yard," "Christmas Decorations," "Table Settings," "Landscape Design," and "Preparation of Horticulture Specimens."

As speakers for the past club year, Ann Bergman secured: Mrs. Cortez Wiley, Aledo, Lawrence McLean, City Forrester, Forth Worth, Mrs. James Lasster, Aledo, Tom Redomon and Mrs. Luter Hutcheson, Weatherford, Mrs. W. R. Hughes of A. Harris, Dallas and Mrs. Irene Haddox, Dallas.  The first five topics were: "Color," "Native Shrubs and Plantings, "Pot Plants," "New Introduction" and "Mulching."  Hughes was guest speaker at a Table Clinic to which guests were invited.  Mrs. Maddox instructed the group on "Line Arrangement" on April 17.

With such programs, a project, a flower show, a pilgrimage and plant exchanges each year, the Club remains very active during nine months of the year.

For the first five years of its existence, the Club had as its project the landscaping of the Parker County Hospital grounds. But in 1954-1955, it was voted to revive a former Weatherford custom by sponsoring a Christmas yard Decorations Contest in Co-operation with the Chamber of Commerce. There were some very outstanding decorations and the visiting judges had difficulty in awarding the cash prizes. The contest was successfully continued during the past Christmas season. Many people have become interested and adept in making their own Christmas figures of paper mache, plywood, etc.

From 1949 to 1952 each annual flower show was held in co-operation with the Weatherford Garden Club. Then in 1952, with the helpful guidance of Mrs. Fred Cotten, the Club presented its own placement show, "A Pageant of Spring Flowers," at the home of Mrs. Mark Littleton with Mrs. Clarence Hopkins, Jr. as Chairman, Nationally accredited flower show judges acclaimed the show to be outstanding.

In 1953, with Mrs. M. O. Killion, Jr. as Chairman and Mrs. E.B. Cartwright as Supervisor, the Club presented "Fashions in Flowers" at the Twentieth Century Club.

In 1954, under the leadership of Mesdames Robert Bergman and Willard Thomas.  "Paintings in Flowers" was presented at the Weatherford Country Club.

The Jack Eidson home was the setting for the 1955 show, "Familiar Sayings in Flowers,"  Mesdames Forest Maulsby and Joe Nelson were Chairman and Co-Chairman.

This year, Mesdames James Doss and borden Seaberry planned "A Parade of Birds" which was presented at the Weatherford country Club on May 3.

In the spring of each year, pilgrimages are made either to local or to neighboring spots of beauty. Club members will be among those to tour some outstanding Fort Worth homes in the near future.

The concluding high light of each season is the May luncheon honoring the retiring President. Mrs. Forest Maulsby was honored this year. The new officers are installed on this occasion.

Past Presidents are: Mrs. Richmond McCarty, Mrs. John Merrick, Mrs. Floyd Tinsley, Jr., Mrs. Clarence Hopkins, Jr., Mrs. Austin Zellers, Jr., and Mrs. M. O. Killion, Jr.

The present membership of thirty feels that it has made some progress in its purpose and recalls with gratefulness each one who has been helpful in the Club's early struggles.

This page was added on July 23, 2002

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