Masonic Order in Weatherford Has
Long History Paralleling County's
by John D. Schindler
This is copied here with permission from The
Weatherford Democrat, July 23, 1956 issue.
History of Ocean Lodge No. 230, of Weatherford
The charter was granted Ocean Lodge No. 230, of Weatherford,
by the Grand Lodge of Texas, June 16, 1859, and the first three
elective officers to whom the charter was granted were A.F. Corning,
Master; Ed F. Balch, Senior Warden; and Robert P. Barker, Junior
This Lodge became inactive during the Civil War, and according
to the records of the Grand Lodge of Texas was demised in 1878,
and the charter picked up.
History of Phoenix Lodge, No. 275, of Weatherford
The charter was granted phoenix Lodge No. 275, A.F. & A.M.
of Weatherford, June 16, 1864, by the Grand Lodge of Texas. The
first three elective officers were Pleasant Tackett, Master; E.J.
Dunscomb, Senior Warden; and L.P. Strong, Junior Warden.
The charter members of Phoenix Lodge were J.C. Loving, H. W.
Norton, O.W. Keeler, Milton Ikard, David Ford, O. Loving,
James Morgan, R.S. Porter, G.W. Dickson and John d. Beekweth.
Chapter No. 105
The charter of Weatherford Chapter No. 105 was granted to this
chapter on June 12, 1872 by the Grand Lodge of Texas, located at
that time in Houston, Texas. The three elective officers to whom
the charter was issued were E.A. Hutcheson, High Priest; W.J. Carson,
Excellent King; and T.D. Lewis, Excellent Scribe.
The charter was signed by Norton Moses, Grand high Priest, and
A. H. Brewster, Grand secretary of the Grand Chapter of Texas.
History of Weatherford Council No. 64
The charter of Weatherford Council No. 54, was granted to this
Council on dec 3, 1907, the charter being issued to the following
two officers of the Council: A. R. Kuykendall, Thrice Illustious
Master, and T.H. Warwick, Right Illustrious Deputy Master.
The charter was signed by John L. Terrell, Most Illustrious Grand
Master, and John a. Bryan, Grand Recorder, of the Grand council
of Texas.
History of Weatherford Commandery, No. 51
Weatherford Commandery No. 51, Knights Templar of Texas was chartered
by the Grand Commandery of Texas on June 24, 1908, with the following
Sir Knights all being charter members. (*members living to date)
J.W. Bunting,
E.F. Bloom,
L.F. Barber,
J.W. Braselton
Dr. J. N. Chandler
*Dr. W.M. Campbell
J.D. Crawford
J.W. Dickey
C.A. Donovan,
C.H. Eaton
R.W. Foat
T.G. Green
C.F. Haynes.
G.W. Hazelwood
J.E. Johnston
A.R. Kuykendall
Dr. H.F. Leach
J.B. Limon
R.L. Lowe
R.P. Lowe
* E.T. Meador
Dr. C.M. MacNelly
* A.C. MacNelly
Boyd Porter
J.A. Pickard
A.A. Putman
J. Roy Rayborn
E. Putman
A.S. Read
J.T. Roberts
W.H. Reynolds
James G. Rose
R.L. Stennis
C.J. Stewart
J.W. Smith
H.A. Snoddy
H.Y. Todd
Guest Whitaker
George White
This page was added on July 1, 2000