--History of Parker County, Parker County Historical
Commission, 1980. This book has many biographies of early
settlers of Parker County. It is available at the Weatherford
Public Library and I understand there is a copy available for interlibrary
Also known as the big brown book.
--A New History of Parker County, John S. Grace and
R. B. Jones, Parker County Historical Commission, Taylor Press,
Weatherford TX, 1987.
--A Pictorial History of Parker County, Parker
County Historical Commission, 1986.
--Erwins Westward They Came, Terry
Erwin. This
is a 453 page book about the Erwins who ended up in Parker
Co., TX. Contact Terry
Erwin Cemetery and the Families. Compiled and Researched by Shirley
A. Garcia, P.O. Box 1232, Beeville, TX 78104-1232 It is 347
pages, spiral bound. It has an index of the families with page number.
It has the history of the cemetery in the front including the history of the
Erwin school and
community. The price is $35 and includes postage.
--Trails West - Ancestor Index of Members of Parker County
Genealogy Society, Contact Melba
Riedel or The Parker County Genealogy Society, P.O. Box
201, Weatherford, TX 76086.
The following are available
for loan, and may be available for inter-library loan,
The Weatherford Public Library
1214 Charles Street
Weatherford, TX 76086
Phone 817-598-4150
--A Cry Unheard, Doyle Marshall, Annetta Valley
Farm Press, 1990, Annetta, TX..
--Franco-Texan Land Company, The, Virginia Taylor,
University of Texas Press 1969, Austin TX.; An exhaustively
researched book on one of the greatest scandals of the railroad
era, the Franco-Texan Land Company was located in Weatherford,
--Historical Sketch of Parker County and Weatherford,
H. Smythe, Louis A. Lavate Press, 1877, St. Louis, MO. (An
index is available, but cannot be checked out. See section
below.); Mr. Smythe was a colorful early Weatherford
newspaper publisher in the 1870's. His book is considered
the premier historical overview of the County. At the back
of the book, he lists Weatherford residents and businesses,
along with their addresses.
--Trail Drivers of Texas, The, Marvin Hunter, Argosy-Antiquarian,
Ltd., 1963, New York, New York.
--Trails and Trials of a Texas Ranger, William Warren
Sterling, University of Oklahoma Press, 1968.
The following books and histories
are NOT available for loan. These materials are located
in the Genealogy Room of the Weatherford, Texas, Public
Library, 1214 Charles Street, Weatherford, TX 76086,
Phone 817-598-4150.
--1870 Parker County Tax List, Wanda Howell Cope,
1980 (green paper notebook).
--50th Anniversary Reunion Weatherford High School 1939-1989 (spiral
bound volume).
--A New History of Parker County, Jno. S. Grace,
1987, Taylor Publishing.
--A Tale of Two Schools and Springtown, Parker County,
Texas, John W. Nix, 1945, Thomas Morrow, Fort Worth,
TX.; A brief history of the early days in Parker
County with emphasis on the Springtown Community together
with brief biological sketches of pioneer settlers and
their families.
--Abstracted Parker County, Texas Pre-emption Land Records
1850-1958, Jerry Wright Jordan, 1988, Heritage Books.
--Around the World with H. W. Kuteman, H. W. Kuteman,
1923, Weatherford, Herald.
--Authon Cemetery, James E. Blaylock, 1994 (privately
printed, spiral).
--Bethesda, Bennett Smith, 1969, Branch Smith, Inc.,
Fort Worth, TX.
--Bits and Pieces of Ninety-Five Years of Masonry in
Whitt Lodge #624 AF & AM, Elmer Leon Saul, 1981
--Cemetery Listings of Parker County, Located in
various folders, read at various times. Listings are indexed.
--Century of Progress, A History of Lone Star Lodge
No. 4, Knights of Pythias, Weatherford, Texas 1880-1980,
Joe B. Witherspoon, 1979.
--Chip, Butter and White Oak, Walter T. Lee, 1986,
Joe's Copies, Arlington, TX.
--City Directory of Weatherford, TX and Parker County,
H. V. Johnson, 1952 W. J. Winters, Amarillo, TX.
--Cohographs, Coho Smith, 1976, Branch Smith, Inc.,
Fort Worth, TX.
--Complete Cemetery Census of Jack County, Texas 1855-1993,
Avis Radford, 1993, privately printed (spiral). Approximately
16,000 listings, thousands of maiden names, military service
records including isolated graves of Jack and borders of
surrounding counties Archer, Young, Palo Pinto, Parker, Wise,
Montague, and Clay.
--Complete Directory of Weatherford and Parker County
to June 1, 1934.
--Confederate Pensions of Parker County Men, Copies
located in file cabinet.
--Day Book of Henry Maxwell from 1853 to 1860, Collin
County to Parker County, Texas, Henry Maxwell,
1996, privately published (spiral).
--Day Books of Henry Maxwell, 1811-1865, Henry Maxwell,
1997, Mary Maxwell (spiral).
--Day Books of James Franklin Strain: 1871-1880, James
Franklin Strain, 1995, Mary Maxwell.
--Directory of the City of Weatherford, Texas, Inter-State
Directory Company, 1907, Herald Publishing, Weatherford,
--Don't Fence Me In: Images of the Spirit of the West,
David R. Stoecklein, 1996, Dober Hill/Stoecklein.
--Early Days in Tin Top, (Texas), Baylor University,
--Goodbye to a River, John Graves, 1960, Knopf McMillian & Co.
--Hill Creek Beds of the Lower Strawn Southwestern Parker
County, TX, 1956. 557.6455Hil.
--Historical Sketch of Parker County and Weatherford, H.
Smythe, Louis A. Lavate Press, 1877, St. Louis, MO. (See
Index below.)
--History of Aledo School: 1880-1973, Mattie Shaw
Glover, 1973, Bennett Printing, Mineral Wells, TX.
--History of Azle Community, TX, Azle Historical
Museum Society, 1986, Curtis Media Corporation.
--History Committee of Ex-Students and Ex-Teachers Organization,
Peaster, 1982, Eakin Publishing, Austin, TX.
--History of Couts Memorial Methodist Church, Weatherford,
Texas 1891-1966, W. R. Witherspoon, 1966, privately
--History of Parker County and the Double Log Cabin: A
Brief Symposium of the Early History of Parker County Together
with Short Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers and Their
Trials, G. A. Holland, 1987, Taylor.
--History of the Parker County Baptist Association,
A Chronicle of Southern Baptist Work in Parker County 1856-1992,
Timothy C. McKeown, 1991 (spiral).
--History of the Poolville Baptist Church, Historical
Committee, 1994 (red notebook).
--History of Texas Together With a Biographical History
of Tarrant and Parker Counties, Lewis, 1895, Chicago.
--Index to H. Smythe's "Historical Sketch of Parker
County & Weatherford, TX" 1877, Every Name, Place
and Deed Index, Ricky Leatherwood, et. al. 4-10(19)73,
unpublished manuscript.
--Journal of R. S. Maxwell August 22, 1874 - December
10, 1879, Robert S. Maxwell, privately published (spiral).
--Life Story of J. H. Doss, The, Annie L. Doss,
1958 (privately printed).
--Melon Vine, 1941-1951 High School year books (spiral
bound volumes).
--Men and Women in World War II from Parker County,
--Monologue on Parker County Cemeteries, Bert Rawlins,
1995, transcribed from 1972 audio tapes by Bill Warren.
--More Recollections on City Greenwood Cemetery,
Bert Rawlins, 1995, transcribed from 1972 audio tapes by
Bill Warren.
--My Home Town, Beatrice Gipson Carter, 1968 (privately
printed, typed index in book).
--Occasional Addresses and Travel Tales, R. B. Hood,
1928, Bunker Printing.
--On Our Way Rejoicing, A History of the Presbyterian
Church in Weatherford and Parker County 1859-1989,
1989 (Cataloged as "History of")
--Once a Country Bank: History of the Merchants and
Farmers State Bank (Now Texas Bank) 1889-1989, James
Doss, 1989 (published by the author).
--Parker County Brand Book: 1874-1880, (spiral bound).
--Parker County History, WPA Articles & Notes, 1962
(newspaper clippings in notebook).
--Parker County Prairie Sketchbook, Glimpses of Our
Local Prehistory, History, Customs, Places and Memories, Waya
Press, 1990, Aledo, TX.
--Parker County Sheriff's Posse, the First Fifty Years,
Phil Livingston, 1992, Hennington Press.
--Polk's Weatherford (Parker County, TX) City Directory, R.
L. Polk & Co., Dallas, TX.
--Pictorial History of Parker County, 1985, Taylor
Publishing Co., Dallas, TX.
--Pioneer Folkways, Afton Taylor Wynn, 1937, University
of Texas Press, Austin, TX.
--Phoenix Lodge: The First Twenty-Five Years 1864-1889,
Dexter Sammons, 1987, Nortex Press, Austin, TX.
--(W.) Porter Cemetery, Parker County, Texas: Application
for Historical Marker and Family Group Sheets on Some Porters
and Allied Families, 1978, Parker County Historical
--Prophet of Plenty, The First Ninety Years of W. D.
Weatherford, Wilma Dykeman, 1966, University of Tennessee
Press, Knoxville, TN.
--Recollections and Reflections of a Texian, Justin
VanGordon Anderson, 1996, Texian Press.
--Recollections of a Busy Man: The Memoirs of Joseph
Bailey Witherspoon 1902-1988, 1988, published by the
--Recollections on City Greenwood Cemetery, Bert Rawlins, 1995,
transcribed from 1972 audio tapes by Bill Warren.
--Robert Arthur Parker: A Texas Pioneer, Ancestors,
Descendants, Related Families, Gladys Harris Parker,
1985, Anna Heffernan.
--Seventy-Five Years of Benevolent Service: A History
of the Knights of Pythias "Castle on the Hill", Weatherford,
Texas 1909-1984, 1984, Miran Publishing, Fort Worth, TX.
--Southwestern Telegraph & Telephone Company, Telephone
Directory of Weatherford, September, 1916.
--Street Guide to Rural Parker County, TX, 1994
--Weatherford Days, A Time of Learning, Jim Wright,
1996, Madison Publishing, Fort Worth, TX.
--"Weatherford Democrat" Our Past in Pictures: Parker
County, Texas, 1994, "Weatherford Democrat".
--Weatherford High School Alumni Directory, Bernard
C. Harris Publishing Co., Norfolk, VA.
--Weatherford High School 50th Class of '43, (spiral
--Weatherford High School 50th Reunion Class of '46, (spiral
--Whitt Cemetery Historical Marker Application, c1993
(blue notebook).
If you know of any other books, that might be of interest
to Parker Co. researchers, please contact me at the email
address below.