Look Ups


These biographies have been filed alphabetically.  

Allen, Reuben, Sr.
Armstrong, John Milton

Baker, Barnie Estes
Baker, Charles Capron
Baker, Gaston Commadore Scott
Beeman, James Jackson
Beene/Bean, John Lemuel
Blodgett, Francis S.
Boley, George
Brittain, Milton James
Brown, Albert Berry
Brown, Albert Burleson (Burrell)
Byars, Noah T.
Byrd, Robert E.

Cantwell, James Johnston
Cearley, Clora Ann
Cearley, Dread

Chamberlain, Laura Levina
Chamberlain, Willis
Coffee, John Wright (Coffey)
Coffee, Richard
Cowden, Henrietta

Cranfill, Eaton A.
Cranfill, James
Cross, Henry
Cummins, George Duffie

Dobbs, George Lee

Ensey, Ezekiel
Ensey, Rodom Ambrose
Ensey, William H.

Ethridge, Joseph Garrett

Fletcher, George Washington
Fletcher, Mary Emmeline
Freeman, Amanda Boone

Gilley/Gillie, William C.
Gore, Andrew Jackson
Gore, George Washington
Gore, John Thomas
Graves, Charles Barefoot
Green, Andrew

Holland, Gustavus Adolphus
Hopkins, William Henry

Howard, Robert E. - Use back button to return to this page.
Hunter, Andrew Jackson

Johnson, William Oscar

Jones, George Donald
Jones, John

Kilborn, Frances "Fannie" Lillian
Knox, Buster Garland

Lee, Ewing Sidney
Lee, Moses
Lee, Stephen Jr.
Light, William Daniel

Matthews, Malindia
McDaniel, James H & Sarah E
Milam, Ellen Lewis
Mobley, Rev. Ernest T.
Montgomery, John

Parker, Isaac  
Pierce, Fern Orvilla

Riley, Thomas
Rogers, Enoch

Savage, James William
Seaberry, Nancy Voyles
Sims, Alonzo
Sims, Emma
Simpson, Elizabeth Hood
Slover, Samuel
Slover, Saunders
Storey, Laura Jane Rebecca

Tackitt, Pleasant
Tucker, Argle William
Turner, George Henry
Turner, William Robert

Underwood, Norman

Upton, Susan Elizabeth

Wampler, Martin
Washington, Darling
Watson, Nathan
Weatherford, Jefferson - click your back button to return to this page
West, Lem Hershel, Sr.
White, Wesley
Willess, Joseph Emery
Willess, Nathan Barnes
Wilson, Nathaniel R.
Womack, William Jefferson


County of Month Award January 2001 

County of Month April 2011 picture


Hall of Fame


10 year County Coordinator Award

© 1997 -2019 Lela Evans
Last Updated on January 2019


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